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Scanner Retainer

Creator: Matt
Date: 2003-01-27


If there's only little room on your desk you have to move a few devices to the shelves. This also happened to this scanner. Later the shelf had to be moved upwards because I bought a new monitor and the scanner's cover couldn't be fully opened anymore. To keep the cover open while I was placing the objects to be scanned I had to build a retainer. It would have been possible to move the other shelves as well but that would have been way to stressful for a modder. The following mod needs only little time and effort.

scanner1.jpgThe initial arrangement. You can see the lack of room under the shelf.
scanner2.jpgThis blurry thing is the actual retainer. It's just a hook that was screwed into the shelf from below.
scanner3.jpgIf the hook points to the front you can fully open the scanner's cover, after that the hook must be turned right so it keeps the cover in place. This saves you a lot of money you might need for an orthopaedist otherwise!
scanner4.jpgBefore fastening the hook I had to check the cover's position otherwise the hook wouldn't have fitted and the cover couldn't have been retained.

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