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Ampere Spam

Creator: Zug Schnyder
Date: 2002-02-15
This mod has nothing to do with the SPAM you're getting via e-mail every day. This is about the original spam, compressed meat in a can.


Most Swiss people know this kind of canned meat because it is used in the army. That stuff tastes awful so most of these cans are not used for eating but for doing funny things with them. Blowing them up is the absolute classic. Tons of canned meat have been blown up in the army at all times. All members of the army should have done that once, it's like a celebration. The classic method is very simple, just put it on a camping stove, after a few minutes (depends on temperature, weather, whatever...) the whole thing will blast into pieces because the pressure gets too high. This method is still popular today, nevertheless modders are looking for new methods to blow up the cans. For example this Ampere Spam. Here the can was just electrified. This mod is due to the SAN GTMs of the Zug Schnyder.

Do naht try this at hoam!

aj01.jpgThe first attempt to blow it up, the meat is still in the can.
aj02.jpgThe spam was just connected to 2 wires.
aj03.jpgThis is a first attempt with a defibrillator.
aj04.jpgThe spam has already left a few traces.
aj05.jpgAt 8 Amperes the project lives up to its name (there's a resistance of 3.5 Ohm at 28 Volts)
aj06.jpgHard pressure to keep the resistance low.
aj07.jpgThe blast was almost successful!
aj08.jpgYummy! The gourmet meal is improved with an original army cheese.
aj09.jpgWhen scolloping you should make sure...
aj10.jpg...it doesn't burn!

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