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Windows Floppy Destruction

Creator: MegaMars
Date: 2001-08-05


What would you do with bad software? Yes, of course, destroy it! During one of the legendary cannibalizing sessions in the Swisscom LW a few floppy disks labeled "Microsoft Windows/386" and "Microsoft Windows 3.0" were found...

diskshred1.jpgYou may take the WinZip icon literally!
diskshred2.jpgMegaMars (who has a lot of fun destroying Microsoft products) scribes the metal covers with a needle file
diskshred3.jpgFull throttle!
diskshred4.jpgYESSS YAA!!!
diskshred5.jpgno comment
diskshred6.jpgCross-section of two operating systems
diskshred7.jpgThis boot disk got an extra treatment with scissors.

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